Friday, July 13, 2012

A Perfect Guide to Wild Bird Food

There is no better way to start a morning than hear the sounds of the chirping and singing birds. From the House Sparrows to Chaffinches and Greenfinches birds are one of nature's most amazing creatures. But our tryst with modernity has made life difficult for these little creatures and there is shortage of bird food. Earlier feeding wild birds was a winter pastime but these days food can be in short supply for birds even during the breeding season. This is resulted in their population dwindling in many parts of the world. You can give them a helping hand by providing them with ample wild bird food in your yard.

You need to remember that springtime is the breeding time for wild birds so extra food will help can really make a difference to the survival rate of the young. Take care of the basic hygiene just as you would do for other pets in your house and make sure that the feeders and tables are clean as certain types of wild bird food tend to rot very fast in the humid weather. If you really love these creatures giving them some bird seeds won't be enough as you have to offer them nutritious food which fulfils their requirements.

What Birds Eat?

It goes without saying that different types of birds eat different types of food. And thus you should offer a wide range of wild bird food which caters to different species of birds. For example small seeds like millet appeal to House Sparrows, Finches and Reed Buntings while Blackbirds like to eat flaked maize. If you have Tits and Greenfinches in your yard you will notice them go after Peanuts and Sunflower.

There is a huge variety of bird food available including Sunflower seeds, Niger seeds and Peanut granules which offer birds the nutrition they require especially during the breeding season and hard winter months. You can also opt for mixed bird seeds which are extremely popular with bird enthusiasts. Different seeds attract different types of birds a quality seed mix can attract a variety of birds.

Where to Buy Bird Food?

Online stores have emerged as the perfect place to shop for wild bird food as they allow you to shop for these items sitting in the comfort of your homes and offices and take delivery wherever you want. You can choose from a wide variety of bird food including seeds, mealworms, granules etc. available in these online stores. You can research on them and know their actual contents and what kind of birds do they appeal to. Another reason to choose online stores is for the quality of the products which are scientifically produced and packed unlike a local seller who makes these food items on his own. These stores also offer you good discounts on purchase of these items.

Watching birds is a wonderful pastime which reduces the stress in your life and helps you connect with Mother Nature.

This news article is brought to you by MOTORCYCLES - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Reasons to Consider a Bird House and a Bird Feeder in Your Backyard

Are you looking for a way to spruce up your backyard? Are you looking for a reason to spend more time outdoors? Do you want to commune with nature? Have you ever felt like you should give back to the earth and to the animals it provides us with?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, then we highly recommend you look into what bird products you can purchase from an online supplier. In particular, bird houses and bird feeders are great ways to accomplish all of these goals. Moreover, there are quite a few advantages associated with purchasing these products and setting them up in your backyard. In the following article, we will discuss three primary reasons why you should take a moment and strongly consider providing shelter and food for birds in your own backyard.

1. They serve as backyard décor. We are always looking for ways to decorate our homes. But what about our backyards? Too often people settle for the standard table and chairs in their backyard, leaving backyard life to not only look dull, but to actually feel that way as well. So why not spruce things up? A well designed bird house or a crafty bird feeder can do wonders for the look of your back yard. And when you have accented your backyard, you then create a feeling of enjoyment outside that is sure to make you and possible guests wish to spend more time in your outdoor space.

2. They attract birds. It sounds simple enough, right? Bird houses beg for birds to take shelter in them. Bird feeders provide food for hungry birds. Bottom line, they are going to bring the birds, correct? But the question here is not whether or not you can attract the birds... it's why should you care? The primary reason you should care about attracting birds is that it just does something inexplicable for your atmosphere.

Suddenly sitting on the back porch in the middle of the city or out in the suburbs is not just you listening to the sounds of vehicles roaring by. Now you are engulfed in the beautiful songs of whatever types of birds you were trying to attract. Meanwhile, you get to watch their different behaviors, and see them raise their young. It really is a sight to behold.

It also presents a great learning opportunity for your kids. Letting them bird watch up close in the privacy of your dwelling is a fantastic opportunity to apply science to real life situations. Not only can they observe the physical properties of the bird, but they will get an up close view of their habitat and behaviors. Watching the way birds interact with one another is a great learning experience for kid of all ages - and even you!

Buy Bird Houses and Bird Feeders Online Today

Want to know where to buy them? Search Google for them and you're sure to find an extensive collection of options.

This news article is brought to you by ADDICTIONS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Getting A Pet Bird? 7 Things To Consider Before You Make Your Decision

If you've decided on a bird for a pet, choosing the right one the first time is the best thing that can happen for you and the bird. Here are 7 important things to think about before you bring your feathered friend home.

Life Span---Some parrots have a life expectancy of 70! This is a huge factor when adopting. Your age and general health should be factored into this decision. If you are older, adopting a pet that is expected to have a shorter life expectancy would help insure that you would always be there to take care of it. In matters of the heart, we don't always get to choose who or what we love do we?

Clean Up---All pets are going to create the need for extra cleaning. However, there are some species of birds (powder down) that create a white dust that is a natural part of their growth and development.

Needless to save, this can become overwhelming in terms of trying to literally keep the dust and dander down. These birds include the African Grey, Cockatoo, and Cockatiel. As gorgeous as these birds are, if you want low maintenance, look elsewhere.

Size---Size does matter because it is direct proportion to how much space your pet will need to stay physically and emotionally healthy. The bigger the bird, the larger the cage needs to be.

The ideal cage should allow enough space for it to fly inside both vertically and laterally without damaging its wings. If living space is limited choosing small rather than large is a better choice. If space is not an issue a large bird or two may work for you.

Personality---This is such an important factor to consider before you bring your pet home. Observing and interacting with it at different times during the day will give you a pretty accurate idea of what to expect.

Even though personality traits are generalized by species, each one is different. Taking time to get to know individual traits will make for a happier match and hopefully save the heartbreak of finding out that you are unable to live with issues that were not apparent before you brought it home.

Life Style---Here's where doing a little research about the type of bird you're considering will pay big dividends. If you have plenty to spend then choosing a bird that needs a lot of attention from its human is a great match.

If, however, you travel a lot or work long hours and lack the time and energy necessary to satisfy a more social bird, maybe fish are a better choice, or a pair of birds that can entertain themselves. This is a crucial piece of information to know before you finalize your decision.

Noise Level---Find out what kinds of sounds your avian friend makes, and consider your living conditions. If you live in an apartment, condo, townhouse where walls adjoin, loud and/or continuous shrieks can cause everybody to become unhappy.

Most importantly, remember that regardless of what the general description is of the variety you are looking at, each pet is an individual and you should do everything you can to get to know what that means for the bird you are considering.

Social Graces---As with people, some pets are more able to get along with people, small children, and other pets. Consider who is going to live with you and this pet and do a little homework about what to expect. If the research shows that a particular type of bird is not good with family members that you know it is going to be exposed to, better to know up front than after you have made your decision.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Pigeon Coops: Should You Build Your Own or Buy One?

So you decided to get in the exciting world of pigeons. The only question that remains is should you build your own pigeon coop or purchase one? There are pro and cons to both options. If you are anything like me you want to make the right decision. In this article we will discuss both options to narrow down your choices to just one.

Pro's for building your own:

1) By far this option allows your personal style to shine through. You are able to start small and build as you expand your pigeon basis.
2) Your initial cost of building is not fixed at one price point. You can begin building your pigeon coop on a shoe string budget which may be beneficial if you are just starting out.
3) The satisfaction of knowing you did the job yourself.
4) Add on features are easily made and interchangeable as you upgrade to increasing your pigeon loft.
5) Your design for your pigeon coop can reflect many features including many separate rooms and different holding features as you expand into the exciting sport of pigeon racing.

Cons for building your own:

1) Time intensive as you have to meet state guidelines in designing your pigeon coop.
2) Building process may be cumbersome and problematic especially if you live in a community with a home owners association.
3) Can be expensive if you decide to move from hobby of pigeon care to breeding for racing pigeons.

Pros for purchasing:

1) No long start up process you can to begin to enjoy taking care and nurturing your pigeons almost immediately.
2) Most pigeon coops are designed with state guidelines already built into the building structure.
3) One set price for an attractive looking home for your pigeons.
4) Easy to transition to moving into the position of racing and breeding as you can purchase a pigeon dwelling with this in mind initially.

Cons for purchasing:

1) The lost of satisfaction that comes with not building it with your own two hands.
2) Limited to the pre made designs which may not be as stylish as you may have envisioned.
3) Set costs can be a bit out of your price range.
4) Prices may not be suitable or even worth it if you are unsure that this is going to be a long time venture.
5) Add on features may not be possible since design is made one dimensional and set to conceived design restraints.

This news article is brought to you by FISH OIL FOR BLOOD PRESSURE? - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

3 Signs of a Sick Bird

It can be pretty frustrating to deal with a pet being sick. The thing, your pet is of the winged variety. Birds are rather fragile creatures, and they would need a whole lot of attention paid to them in order to make sure that they're well taken care of.

The last thing you want to deal with is a sick pet, which is why you need to be aware of the signs or symptoms that can help you determine if they really are experiencing any illnesses which would require immediate medical attention.

1. Diarrhea is a sign which can be caused by infections, germs or bacteria which may have been introduced to your birds. This would cause all sorts of necessary fluids to be provided to them in order to get them to feel a whole lot better. Sometimes, food can move way too quickly through their intestines, and that is brought about by a certain disruption in their digestive processes. Nutrients aren't properly absorbed due to the rate at which the food is moving in their tiny little tummies, and this can lead to dehydration. If the stool is greenish, there may have been a case of metal poisoning.

2. Another symptom you need to watch out for is eye discharge. This is something which usually suggests Psittacosis. This is a disease which is not limited to affecting other birds, but even bird owners as well, so it is highly essential that you get to your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since this is a disease which can result in a quick death for your winged friend. In the event that any other humans or birds have come in contacted with the afflicted pet, it would be wise for you to get them screened just in case they were also infected with the disease. If this condition is discovered in time, you can simply have it treated with just a few antibiotics for a full recovery.

3. One of the most evident signs of your pet bird being sick is lethargy. Of course, this can be amounted to a lot of different causes, and each one of them are not good at all. When your pet bird becomes quite lethargic, it would simply mean that it is ill and should be taken to the avian veterinarian as soon as possible. This can be brought about by some possible infection from viruses, bacteria, germs, or even organ dysfunctions. With the vet's aid, tests can be performed to come up with the best possible treatment.

This news article is brought to you by BEING PLUS SIZE WOMEN - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Parrots And Air Cleaners - 7 Facts To Understand

Providing fresh clean air for pet parrots is one of the most important things to provide; because if your bird can't breathe not much else will matter. There are many features to consider when deciding on the right purifier for your situation. Here are 7 answers that will help you make the right choice.

How important is 24 hour filtration? In a word it is crucial. The goal is to keep the level of air quality high all the time. And the only way to do this is not to ever allow a build-up of particles.

Having a motor that is able to run safely with high revolutions per minute is essential to constantly minimize pollutants in the air. This type of motor is called a split capacitor and should be listed in the technical specifications of the owner's manual.

What level of ozone is safe? This remains a controversial subject for many. Studies have shown that the level of ozone would have to be so high to effectively clean the air that it would be toxic to humans. Other studies conclude that trace amounts are acceptable.

The one thing that all can agree on is that fresh air is best. So using a technology that only produces fresh air is best for you and your bird. HEPA filtration is safe and is the most efficient at particle elimination.

Which is better, plastic or steel casing? Steel is the best option for a number of reasons. Many parrots have strong beaks and use them to explore things in their environment including the purifier. A unit made of steel is less likely to have pieces break off that cause injury, or worse.

When a unit runs continuously (as it should) the motor heat will cause the casing to get warm. Sometimes when the unit is made of plastic this can cause fumes to be released into the air when the plastic heats up. The last thing you want is to pay for a unit that causes problems rather eliminates them.

What type of filter is best? There should really be a canister of filters that contains multiple filters that are designed to remove various size particles. A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter is designed to remove airborne particles that are .3 microns or greater in size. This filter is cable of removing airborne bacteria and viruses as well as the microscopic pieces of dander that all birds shed continually.

There should also be large and medium size pre-filters that can trap particles that you can see such as bird dust, feathers, and normal household dust. These filters save the more intricate HEPA from filling needlessly with particles that are easily trapped by these bigger and less expensive filters.

A filter for odor is also a good idea. Having a carbon cloth filter gives you 2 advantages. Because it is woven like a cloth it can also trap particles, and the fact that it is made of carbon means that it can remove gases, odors, and airborne chemicals to which birds are so vulnerable.

How big of a space should the unit be able to clean? It should be able to clean the area that is open to it. So if your birds are in a family room, the cleaner should be capable of cleaning not only that room but all the other space open to it. So if you leave all of your doors open and your space is 1500 square feet, that's the space your purifier should be sized to clean.

Where is the best placement for the unit? The cleaner should be placed so that it does not create a draft for the birds. Ideally, a unit should only need about 6 inches of clearance from any surface to function efficiently. This means it can be placed out of the way and in a way that keeps the chord from being a tripping or choking hazard.

What type of maintenance should be expected? Maintenance should be minimal and should be able to be done while the unit is running. Vacuuming the outside occasionally should be the most that is expected.

Clean Lofts - The Key To Racing Pigeon Success

Keeping clean lofts can be one of the most important parts of successful racing pigeons. Often overlooked and time consuming, good husbandry comes down to cleanliness. For your birds to be in top form, they need to be the picture of health. The added bonus is that while you are keeping those lofts clean, you can keep a good eye on your birds, seeing who is in top form, and when.

First and most obvious, clean up that poop! Bird poop is a breeding ground for parasites and bacteria. The lofts should be cleaned daily. This is one of the best ways to keep your birds healthy and in racing form. Moving about the loft while cleaning gets your birds use to you, this is a good time inspect birds. In addition, cleaning poop out of the lofts daily means you will see if something strange is going on. Does somebody's poop look different than usual?

Next, clean those water dishes. Don't just top them off or dump and refill. This is another good place for bacteria and parasites. It is important to rinse them daily, and if you're really strict about cleanliness in your loft you'll wash them with soap and water every day. At minimum, water dishes should be washed once a week. Remember to thoroughly rinse the dishes after you've had soap in them. Don't just keep refilling those yucky water dishes, clean them. Your bird's form depends upon it.

Finally, wash the food dishes! Even though they are dry and don't appear to get dirty as often as water dishes might, they still need regular cleaning. Once weekly is a good rule of thumb for cleaning food dishes. Again you should make sure to wash them completely with soap and water. Allow the dishes to dry thoroughly before you add more food.

Good racing pigeons start with good husbandry. Good husbandry starts with cleanliness. Keeping the lofts clean is the most important thing you can do to ensure your birds are in top racing form. Nobody wants to race a sick bird and tax its weak body further. The three most important things you can do to keep your lofts clean is clean up the poop and wash dirty food and water dishes often. The added benefit of daily cleaning is that you get to spend time observing your birds. Observing your birds means you will get to know each individually and learn when they are race ready.

This news article is brought to you by MARKETING - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How Finches Nest

Many finch owners come to me, wondering how to help their finches nest. The breeding and mating of finches is a very natural process, but of course, there are things that finch owners can do to help that along. When these birds mate successfully, they will eventually need nests to house their young. This is where the subject of helping finches nest comes in. Is there anything that we can do to help these birds nest more easily? Fortunately, the answer is yes! There are tips and tricks to help finches nest. Here are a few of them!

1. There is not one single type of nest for these birds. Depending on the finches' preference, their nests may be bought from a finch breeder, or a pet store, or the birds themselves may construct them. It may help to give your finches the choice, so if you could provide both inside their cages, then you will be preparing for whatever their preference may be.

2. Help your finches make their home by giving them a lot of material to use- For finches that are found in the wild, nests are usually created by putting together an assortment or raffia, twigs, dried bark and leaves. It may do you good to provide these materials on the floor of the finch cage. Your pets will be able to see these materials and can start to figure out how best to use them to make a finches nest.

3. Finches that may prefer to nest in parrot boxes may need some extra help. To assist them, you may want to get some planter boxes nailed onto wood. Cut a little hole on top of the base to serve as the nest's entrance. Also, don't forget to place a perch underneath the cut out hole. The perch will serve as a place for the birds to rest before entering the nest.

4. Do not disturb the natural nesting process- When finches nest, the male will be responsible for gathering, carrying and assembling the nesting material. The female, on the other hand will be responsible for checking if the nest is sturdy. She can juggle the nest and see if it fits to her criteria. She may drop it several times, and the male may have to pick it up each time. If you see your finches doing this, do not be surprised or do not startle them in order to stop this. This is very normal and part of the nesting process.

This news article is brought to you by ANNIVERSARIES - where latest news are our top priority.

Instant Cleaning With Bird Cage Liners

Don't you just hate it when you have to clean your feathered friends' home frequently because of all the food morsels and droppings, which seem to pop up every minute? If this is a problem for you, then you may want to consider trying some bird cage liners, which offer the house protection from both the inside and the outside. These materials are an ideal substitute to bedding and decorative substrates, which are tedious in nature, in terms of the maintenance and replacements. Here are some reasons why these bird supplies are more convenient to utilize than other cleaning products.

1. Of course, one of the main reasons why consumers love to avail of these bird cage liners is because of its affordable price. In spite of the fact that it is meant to be disposable, you are guaranteed that you can use it a couple of times before throwing it into the trash.

2. This is quite easy to use in the sense that you are always given a size, which will surely fit the measurements of your bird cages. The liners are normally made from heavy-duty plastic, which has the same texture as that of a tarpaulin. You are given the freedom to cut it down to the exact dimension, which you like, as well.

3. As mentioned above, the liners are not difficult to use, in the sense that it will only take you about a minute to set it up, and just a few seconds to remove it. What you have to do is lay this product at the very base of the cage, being careful to use it as a secondary flooring. At the end of each day, you can just lift it up by the ends, securing the mess within it, and dispose of the entire plastic along with the food morsels and droppings.

4. These liners often come in a set, which includes a counterpart covering that you can use to envelop the exterior of the cage, giving you the opportunity to keep your feathered friends cool and away from the sun during the afternoons.

Overall, these bird cage liners are a great addition to your must-have items, since it will not only make sure that your feathered friends' home is clean, but it also ensures that you will have an easier time in maintenance. Plus, its other features benefit the health of your pals greatly, too.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Best Birds to Get When You Have Children

The most important thing to consider about having a pet is that it requires all the care and attention that any living creature needs to be happy and healthy. Since this obligation falls squarely on the shoulders of it's human family, the time and commitment you can realistically give to caring for an animal should be your first consideration.This aspect of pet ownership is the basis on which you decide whether to trade in the artificial pet for a real live one.

Before acquiring a pet it is essential for parents to discuss with their children the responsibilities, time and work required to care for a pet as well as the wonderful benefits. Needless to say children will be focused on the positive and enthusiastically agree to the negative which is why rules should be set before a pet is purchased or adopted. Be aware, though, that no matter how carefully you lay the groundwork, parents must be prepared for setbacks through negligence or forgetfulness and the children will require monitoring and reminding to carry out whatever pet tasks they have agreed to. In the beginning parents should expect to compensate for any failures of the children to carry through with their pet duties but with patience, persistence and instruction a rhythm is established and the pet soon becomes a beloved member of the family. It can be the first step for your children to learn the values of caring and investing in a relationship.

Small Birds Make Good Pets For Families

By even casual observation of birds in the wild one can deduce that they are social creatures as they arrive at the backyard feeder in families and groups of families. In captivity birds readily transfer this natural need for socialization to their human family and easily bond with people who give them time and attention. My family had the opportunity to observe this first hand when my son found a baby bird that he successfully raised.

If you are still reading this article you are probably thinking that a bird would be a good addition to your family. Then the next thing to consider is, among the many species of pet birds available, which would be the best choice for you and your children.

Finches and Canaries require the least amount of interaction and are good birds for very young children who are fascinated by their beauty, lively activity and captivating songs and sounds. Since they are more solitary by nature than other species they are quite content in their cage and require less human interaction.

A good choice for young families, and my favorite, is a Budgie or Parakeet. Though these little birds are very sociable they are independent and can be happy alone in their cage if provided with interesting toys and accessories to keep them stimulated. Because of their small size their cage requirement is minimal as is their daily care. In summary, I would say these sweet, perky little birds are great family pets, especially for busy families including those with young children who have been taught to approach the bird with a quiet voice and to handle it with gentle care.

For older children who really have the incentive to care for birds and learn about them, a Cockatiel is a great choice. They talk, whistle and readily imitate up all kinds of sounds. They will provide hours of fun and entertainment with the cute and silly tricks they quickly learn. They really like their freedom and look forward to times of not being stuck behind bars. Because they form strong bonds with their caretakers they require a great deal of attention. For these reasons the amount of time you have, on a daily basis, to be with your pet bird is a very important factor when considering a Cockatiel for a pet.

Hopefully, this article has been useful and informative as the first step for anyone thinking of acquiring a pet bird. Feathered pets have many unique and endearing qualities that make them a wonderful addition to any family that is willing to love them and is committed to providing for their needs. They, for their part will provide companionship and open a window to the world of nature that no digital pet ever can.

For more information about bird cages and accessories please visit my website.

Hopefully, this article has provided helpful information for anyone thinking of acquiring a family pet and why feathered friends certainly have a lot of enduring qualities to recommend them.

This news article is brought to you by BED-BREAKFAST-INNS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Why Buy Bird Feeders and Bird Houses Online?

If you are in the market for a new bird feeder, bird house, or any other wild bird products, you would best be served by shopping for them online. Why, you ask? Read on to find out.

Buying Bird Feeders Online Gives You More Options

Where would you normally go to purchase a bird feeder or a bird house? Well, you might venture down to your local pet store or even one of those giant box stores. Sometimes local hardware stores might carry them in the patio section as well. Whichever of those options you decided on, you can rest assured that your choices would be extremely limited. Why? Because you are limiting your search to a specific geographic location.

Now imagine being able to have your pick of any design of bird feeder ever made. Imagine ruling out the need to find a feeder in the "location nearest you." Suddenly the options have become nearly infinite. See, that is exactly what you get when you shop online for bird houses and bird feeders. The internet puts a world of options-literally-right at your fingertips. All you have to do is systematically sniff out what you want, point, click, and buy! Just make sure you have your credit card info handy so you can buy right now.

There is Nothing as Convenient as Buying Online

We live in a fast paced world. That said, now more than ever we need to cut corners and save time when at all possible. Well, what better way exists than to shop online? Imagine how much time you would waste driving about town from store to store searching for that perfect bird feeder. Why bother? Instead, all you need to do is sit down in your comfy chair, pull up Google on your iPhone or laptop, and search for a wild bird products provider. Sure it may take a little bit of work to search through all the companies and the product photos, but eventually you will find exactly what you wanted...and you never even have to leave your living room.

Now keep in mind, you will have to wait for the product to come in the mail. But still, it's someone bringing the bird feed to you, rather than you having to go out and retrieve it. And if you simply do not want to wait, often express mail options are available, such as overnight. That way, the wait is pretty much non-existent.

Purchasing Online is Easy

Don't consider yourself much of a computer whiz? No problem. Shopping online for bird products is as easy as one, two, three. All you need to do is find a reputable supplier (look at customer reviews to help with this step!) and then sift through their site. Make sure they have clear photos so that you will know exactly what sort of product you're about to buy. When you find what you're looking for, have your credit card ready, add to your shopping cart, and proceed to checkout. It's a breeze, plain and simple!

This news article is brought to you by GOING GREEN NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Racing Pigeons Using The Natural System

Racing pigeons using the Natural System is popular with many fanciers. The Natural System takes advantage of a bird's natural instinct to mate, nest and rear young. What using the Natural System takes is knowledge and observation.

Since pigeons are raced during different times of the breeding cycle keeping up to date and accurate records is important. Keen observation on the point of the fancier is necessary in discovering when his birds are in top condition. What is a good time for one will not be for another. Pigeons should be observed from an individualistic standpoint, and each pigeon should be looked at for peak physical as well as mental condition.

The driving period is when the cock becomes impatient and begins chasing the hen around to lay eggs, usually about a week after a pair has been mated together. Racing the cock during this time has been widely accepted as a good strategy. However, racing the hen at this time is not advised.

In addition when a pair have been sitting on eggs for around ten to fourteen days, it is acceptable to race either cock or hen. There are mixed reviews on racing pigeons during the following stage, 'chipping eggs' when the youngsters start to chip out of the eggs. Some people believe that if they are put into a race during this time the type of milk the parents make during this period can go sour before they get to the little ones.

Many fanciers will utilize various tricks during the different stages to increase motivation. If a pair has been sitting on eggs for longer than two weeks, with no signs of hatching, an egg can be removed, hollowed out and a live cricket can be placed inside of it, sealed back up of course. This can artificially produce the 'chipping eggs' stage. In addition during the chipping stage, you can 'borrow' a baby from somewhere else in the loft if you have a pigeon getting ready to race. These are only a few of the many tricks fanciers can use, hone and develop to get the best form for their racing pigeons using the Natural System.

Utilizing the Natural System when racing pigeons allows for fanciers to play with different variables to see what makes each individual bird race best. Treating each bird as an individual and keen observation are the two big factors in the Natural System. A fancier who spends time with the birds, discovering what times they are in best form will do the best come race day.

This news article is brought to you by GLAMOROUS FASHION NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Want to Keep Him Healthy? What Do Parrots Eat for a Long, Happy Life?

How many times have you gone into your local pet store looking for pet care items and you are greeted by a whistle or simple "Hello there." You look around to return the nice gesture but cannot find the person that it came from. What you see is this beautiful bird staring at you and again you hear "hello there!" It came from the beautiful parrot in the cage next to you. You tell yourself that you want to take him home. But what must you buy for him? What do parrots eat? So many questions!

You are so taken by this little fellow that you spend the next 10 minutes talking to him forgetting just why you are there in the first place. Sound familiar? Wondering how much he costs to take home with you? Now that you've spent the next half hour talking to the salesperson about him and finalizing the purchase, you think that you are done. Nope! Not yet! He will need to eat once you get him home. But there are so many different bird foods in that aisle. There are seeds, peanuts and many different colorful pellets.

Although your parrot would probably eat many of the wide selection there, you must think about the health and wellness of your new friend if you want him to live to his full life expectancy. As you may have heard, parrot species can live anywhere from 10-80 years depending on which parrot type you choose.

You will need to feed your parrot a variety of foods from the seed selections, pellet diet to fruits and vegetables. The different varieties of food available mostly have different ingredients that are essential to your parrot's good health. For example, a diet made up of only seeds does not give your parrot the proper nutrition needed to live long and healthy.

The pellet food available is a more balanced diet that when added to the fruits and vegetables you will provide him will give him what he needs to be happy and healthy. You will choose the food that best suits your parrot's size and weight requirements. A parrot is a wonderful friend that can be a lifelong companion for you if you know how to properly care for and feed him so he can live to his full life expectancy. Taking the time to educate yourself on the basics of companion bird care before you actually go out and purchase one will only set you up for success and give your new family friend a head start to good health and a happy life.

This news article is brought to you by TECHNOLOGY NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tips in Keeping Aviary Finches in Great Shape

We're all too familiar with how great an expense investing in aviary finches can be. These finches require a lot of money, time and expertise to set up. If you've already done all that work so far, then you need to make sure that you protect your investment and make it last for as long as you can! In order to do that, you may have to learn how to keep your finches in top shape. Not only does it benefit you, the owner of these finches, but learning to maintain your finches will serve your feathered friends well too! After all, these finches are your finches' home, and you want them to have a happy one, right?

Maintaining aviary finches is easy, especially if you have a helpful guide. To help you get a head start, here are some great tips!

1. When building your aviary finches, make sure that the materials used are top grade- Otherwise, your finches aviary will not last for very long, and you will need to replace it again. Make sure that the wires that you select are strong and sturdy, and will not be easily bent. You may also want to coat these wires in a film that protects it against rust.

2. Pay attention to where you place your aviary finches. Do remember that the elements can be your worst enemy when it comes to keeping your finches aviary in good shape. The rain can cause the wires to rust, and the sun can wear out the paint. To protect your finches against the elements, position it properly in your home. Make sure that it hardly gets wet in the rain, and is only exposed to the sun for a limited amount of time everyday.

3. Lastly, always remember to check your aviary finches every once in a while for minor or major damages, or anything that needs to be repaired. Remember that minor damages will probably cost you less to repair, and you may not even need to spend for new finches. If you leave minor damage to get bigger, then you may have to replace your expensive cage altogether and you really want to avoid that if you can.

Caring for your finches cage should be easy after these tips. We also advise you to use your common sense! If you think your finches' cage needs replacing for one reason or another, then go on and do it. You will see what your finches need best.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

When to Replace Your Finch Cages?

Finch cages can be quite the big investment, so it is very understandable if finch and pet owners in general are loathe to replacing old ones. However, if you do not do anything to remedy old cages that are slowly but surely falling apart, you may be in from some serious repercussions. Your finches could escape, get injured, or be in an unhealthy environment that may even lead to their demise. This is why it is so important to have cages that are still in good condition. So, the question follows, how does one know if it is time to replace their cages? We've got answer to that in this post!

1. Replace your finch cages when they become too rusty - Humans don't take very well to rust. If you cut yourself with a rusty piece of metal, you could put yourself at the risk for tetanus. Keeping a rusty cage may not only put your pets in danger from being cut, but it also puts you, the owner, in danger of being cut yourself. Keep everyone safe and throw out rusty cages.

2. Are the wires in your cages beginning to bend and get too pliable? If they are, then it is high time to start shopping for new finch cages. If you don't, then you live with the danger of your pets escaping. Not only that, a clever cat our mouse could find a way to bend these wires, get inside the cage, and eat your finches! That would be an unfortunate scenario indeed!

3. Are you guilty of having too many birds stuffed in one cage - Overcrowding of finches in one finches cage is a big no-no! These birds can turn on one another and disrupt the breeding or mating process. Always make sure that your finches are comfortable in their cages. They must have ample space to fly and move about.

4. Get rid of cages that are far too dirty to be cleaned - Infection and disease are two culprits for finches' death and so it is very important that you protect your pets from these dangers. Clean their cages regularly, so the dirt does not build up. If a cage has gotten too dirty despite all the cleaning, then you will have to replace it instantly. You do not want your birds dying from disease!

Should you want to avoid getting new finch cages so soon, then you should do everything that you can to take care of your existing cages. If you do that, then it may be years before you need to get new ones!

This news article is brought to you by STOCK MARKET BLOG - where latest news are our top priority.

Finch Species: Types and Variety of Finch Families

As members of the Passerine family of birds, the finch species can be found in different parts of the world. While some of them are true finches and belong to the Fringillidae family, other similar bird families are widely called "finches". You may be surprised by the fact that some of the most popular finches are not in fact true finches. For example, the Gouldian and Zebra Finches are actually waxbills, members of the Estrildidae family. The same goes for the Society Finches which are completely domesticated bird type. In order to avoid confusion regarding the exact scientific order, we use their traditional names instead of the precise biological terms.

Zebra and Society Finches are widely considered as some of the easiest birds for keeping and breeding. Even beginners have no serious problems when it comes to making them happy and healthy. Of course, there are many other species that live comfortably in captivity although some of them have more specific demands and needs.

Let me introduce several of these species. Don't blame it on me if in the end you fell in love with them.

Blue-capped Cordon-bleu, also known as Cordon Bleu Finches, inhabit the eastern parts of Africa. These are relatively small birds that do very well in captivity when their needs are satisfied. Male's body is predominantly sky blue. Its underneath is fawn-colored as well as the wings and the back. The top of the hen's head has the same color as the wings. It is best for them to be housed in large aviaries as they are eager for interaction with other types of finches. When the breeding season starts, however, males can became aggressive to each other in the presence of a female. In that case, single pairs should be placed in cages. Both sexes are excellent dancers and produce wonderful melodious songs.

Goldfinches inhabit the European and Asian open fields and occasionally the lowland forests. Males and females look alike. The Goldfinch's head is red colored, the head is black and white while the upper parts are brightly brown. The wings are black and golden yellow, hence the name of the bird. They eat seeds, grasses and living food. Goldfinches have skillful acrobatic abilities and they like hanging upside down and twirling from one perch to another.

Owl Finches come from Australia which means that their natural habitats are the savannahs and the open fields. From a distance the murky ring of plumage around the face which is so typical for this finch type, makes it look like a little cute owl. Also known as Double-barred Finches, these birds have an adorable combination of brown, fawn and white color. Their wings are particularly beautiful with white and brown patterns. Owl Finches are decent dwellers in mixed aviaries, the aggressive behavior being highly unlikely.

The population of the Star Finches dramatically declined in their native Australia due to the cruel destruction of their habitat. These finches have cute and bright red faces and beaks. Their bodies are predominantly colored with beautiful olive green tones. Star Finches have very peaceful nature and they fit perfectly in aviaries with other unaggressive little birds.

African Silverbills are very hardy birds as they live in the Sahara Desert's dry areas. Seeds are the main meal on their menu. With their 10 cm in length, they are pretty small birds. Their silver-gray beaks are noticeable at first sight. The body is mostly brown-nuanced while the tail is black. Only the males are able to produce soft and silent song. The African Silverbill Finches don't have easily noticeable sex differences so the best way to determine the bird's sex is to observe if it sings or not.

There are hundreds and hundreds of finch species each of them having different colors, habits and behaviors. They are all cute and interesting.

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Bird Room Air Purifier - 5 Things It Must Be Able To Do

Having an air purifier to keep the air clean in your bird's room is as important as providing clean water and fresh food. But not just any cleaner can do the job. Here are 5 things a unit must be able to do to make life healthier for you and your bird.

Can Remove Big Particles---All birds have dander, but if you have a powder down parrot like an African Grey, Cockatoo, or Cockatiel you are also subject to the white wing dust. Having a cleaner with filters that can remove big particles is important. Being able to remove them while they are airborne means there will be less particles in the air to be inhaled and less to fall on surfaces and be continually sent airborne. Keeping the air clean goes a long way toward keeping birds' air passages clear. And clean air can keep bird-related pollutants from exacerbating chronic respiratory conditions such as allergies and asthma.

Is Able To Eliminate Micron-Sized Particles---What you can't see in the air can hurt you. Dander as well as airborne bacteria and viruses may be invisible, but they can cause disease and infection in both birds and humans. A HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filter is an excellent choice for removing microscopic particles. By definition it must be able to eliminate 99,997 out of every 10,000 airborne particulates that are.3 microns or greater in size, with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter.

Can Provide Continuous Cleaning---Stable air quality means being able to constantly remove pollutants. The best way to do this is to choose a unit that can run safely and effectively all the time without the motor needing to take a break. A split capacitor motor is designed to run continuously with high revolutions per minute. This type of motor is a must if the air in your bird room is to be of a consistently high quality.

Should Contain A Long Life Filter---Other than the motor, the filter is probably the most important part of the unit. One filter cannot possibly do an adequate job. That is why your cleaner needs to contain a canister of filters that can last for a long time. It should have several filters that can trap big particles. That means the more expensive filter that can eliminate micron-size particles is used only for the invisible particles. This system of filters is a money saving feature that will help your filter last for years rather than months.

Must Produce Only Fresh Air---Many cleaners on the market today use ionization and ozone as part of the filtration process. Both of these technologies remain controversial not only in their effect on living things but in their effectiveness. The best by-product is fresh clean air. No one argues with that. So choosing a cleaner that only produces clean air gets the job done with the least amount of risk to you and your pet.

Window Birdfeeders

Birdfeeders are a fun and relaxing hobby. They are also educational as you learn more about the birds that live in your area. Window birdfeeders help to bring all of this to your indoor life. They are the ideal choice in many situations.

Not everyone has a yard where they can place a birdfeeder. This does not mean they have to miss out on the bird watching activity in their area. These window feeders are an excellent alternative for anyone without a yard. They are very affordable and you can get them from any pet shop and at most retail stores.

There is an assortment of lightweight birdfeeders that are designed to hang on your window. These window birdfeeders are held in place with powerful suction cups. Window birdfeeders are smaller and more compact than the traditional yard feeders. Their size is designed to be stable on the suction cups and easy on the glass of the window. Even though they are small, there are a variety of shapes and sizes.

Make sure you hang them properly though so they will not fall off the window. Birdfeeders are designed with a tube or container to protect the birdseed and help to keep it dry. This also helps to keep the seed in place on windy days so that it lasts longer between refills.

People that live in apartments and those in college dorms can benefit from the use of this type of birdfeeder. A window birdfeeder can help to pass the time for someone that is bedridden or simply unable to make the walk out into the yard.

Many people enjoy the ability to watch the variety of birds eating the food while they observe from indoors. They may like to eat breakfast while the birds enjoy theirs outside of the kitchen window. Others place them on their bedroom window so they can wake up to the sound of the birds.

The window birdfeeders can be placed on any window in the house. If the livingroom window is the best, or more preferred window, the bird feeder will do nicely there.

A window birdfeeder can be an excellent idea for young children. They get to enjoy the activity of the animals without the usual mess and responsibility of a pet. As they grow, they can share in the responsibility of filling the feeder. Their new outdoor pets will help teach them about nature and responsibility.

Even if you live someplace where pets aren't allowed, bird feeders are not usually restricted. Making this the ideal way to "keep" a pet.

Once the birds learn that the feeder is in place, there will be a flurry of activity right outside the window. Birds start feeding early in the morning and continue throughout the day.

Since birds are available year round, window birdfeeders are a good way to feed them during the winter months when their food is more scarce. You will not have as many, or as large a variety, but bird watching is an activity that can be enjoyed year round.

This news article is brought to you by VOCATIONAL-TRADE-SCHOOLS - where latest news are our top priority.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Parrot Nutrition: How and Why

The adage, you are what you eat is as true for captive birds as for humans. Parrots in captivity cannot go to the store, prepare their food or provide for their welfare. That is the responsibility of the caregiver.

There is an abundance of misinformation out there regarding avian nutrition and this article will help caregivers learn a nutritious way to feed their bird(s).

Feeding Feathers, a Yahoo group, provides a mash recipe that is the most current and accurate example of a nutrient dense diet.

A mash consisting of organic food in a ratio of 2:1 mixed whole grains (choose from quinoa, teff, barley, amaranth, kamut, millet, or any other grains your health food store may carry in the bulk section) to legumes (red, green or French lentils, adzuki or mung beans) soaked twelve to fifteen hours to eliminate the phytic acid in the grains and anti nutrients in the legumes, rinsed well and cooked, produces a complete amino acid protein chain that is lacking in most parrot diets.

Animal protein is not necessary or advised. Mash can be frozen in four-five day portions. At the time of serving, at least two dark green leafy greens (dandelion, kale, bok choy, spinach, beet greens, carrot tops, mustard, collards, fennel, rappini, broccoli or other nutrient rich greens), and two orange veggies (carrots, any orange winter squash including canned pumpkin, orange bell peppers and other orange veggies) are added, so there is roughly a fifty-fifty proportion of grains/legumes to the veggies.

Add one quarter to one half teaspoon of chia seeds (depending on size of bird) to provide omega 3 fatty acids and a small amount of a powdered green food like Garden of Life Perfect Food Raw Organic Green Superfood. Be certain your choice does not contain lead. Chop or mince very well.

A small amount of fruit can be added or presented for foraging later in the day. Variations to this recipe can be found in the Feeding Feathers Yahoo group files but learn the basic mash recipe before making changes. Feeding bowls of random chopped food will result in malnutrition and is dangerous. Recommendations by those making parrot food who have no scientific basis for the ingredients or are based on intuition are not acceptable. Don't do that to your bird. Do your research or ask at Feeding Feathers.

Serve once or twice a day knowing every bite is nutrient rich and that your bird(s) is being fed the most nutritious organic food available, thereby promoting excellent health and happiness

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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Important Information Everyone Should Know About Cages For Finches

Cages used for finches have to be very spacious for them to move around freely. It must not be made from brass, as birds are usually irritated by this material. You also need to clean the cage regularly to prevent them from getting sick. The longevity of finches, or any bird, is dictated in part by the quality of cage they are put in. The cage also needs to have a bathing, nesting and play place for the finches. All of these will contribute to their happiness, thus prolonging their life. Finches usually live from 5 to 7 years; however this can be extended if they are given proper care.

You can only place finches without partners when you do not want them to breed, otherwise it's best to keep two birds in one cage so they could keep each other company. Remember, birds are sociable animals. If you're interested in breeding, you'll need to be prepared for the extra work required. You need to give them extra attention and care need to secure their offspring. Their cage should be clean and maintained for it to be conducive for breeding. Female finches typically lay around 8 or more eggs.

Society finches are the easiest ones to take care of, since they require minimal maintenance. Check the bird's condition before deciding which finches to purchase from a breeder. Watch out for birds that sit listless on the floor of their cage and for finches with fluffed or messy looking feathers. What you should look for is an energetic bird, one that won't get sick just after a few days of your purchase. Examine the beak or feet for any abnormalities. Finches who bob their tail or have swollen and dull eyes are most likely to be sick.

The breeder should also maintain the cage for finches, if not, there's a high possibility that the finch you'll purchase isn't that healthy. Finches in crowded cages should not be bought as well. More importantly, check if there is access to enough food and water for each bird before your purchase.

Size Matters When Buying Cages for Finches

Cages for finches need to have enough space for the birds to have room for exercising and playing. Finches exercise daily by flying in the cage and not by climbing on it. This is the reason why cage for finches need to be wide and tall enough. You need to have over 30 inches for each pair of finches. Finches don't like complicated toys, so keep things simple. Just make sure that they have birth perches.

As for the perches, don't choose a dowel perch or any perch covered with sand paper. These types of perches may cause feet problems and injuries. Save yourself and your pet by getting the right perch.

Branches in Cages for Finches

Branches used for the cage should be non-toxic, as there's a possibility for the finches to ingest it. Pressed woodchips and redwood cedar should be avoided because it can be fatal when ingested. If you choose to use wood, remove it when it already has bird droppings. Hence, food and water dishes should be placed far enough from the perches to avoid contamination by fecal matter.

Newspapers are ideal for use in cages for finches. Stainless trays are your best bet as a food and water container because they are safer compared to plastic. Position the water container on one side and the food container on the other side to avoid splashes from the water container contaminate the bird seeds. As always, remember to clean the cage every now and then to maintain the finches' optimum health.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Portable Bird Air Purifiers - 5 Reasons It Can Help

The joy that a bird adds to your home is immeasurable. The increase is particles, dust, and dander can be overwhelming. Using a portable air cleaner is an effective solution to the problem. Here are 5 ways the right air purifier can help.

1. Removes Bird Related Particulates---Depending on the type of bird you have, the potential for particle accumulation can vary greatly. All birds shed dander (dead flakes of skin) and it is the protein in it that is such a potent allergen for those who suffer from allergies and asthma.

If you have a powder down bird such as an African Grey, Cockatoo, or Cockatiel you will be dealing with white wing dust in addition to the dander. The production of this dust is a healthy and ongoing process that will continue as long as you have your bird.

If the air that your bird breathes day in and day out is thick with these particles, they will eventually clogged their tiny air passages. Once these airways become clogged, it is often the beginning of disease and infection that is hard to reverse.

2. Removes Gases And Odors---Birds are so susceptible to gases and odors that many years ago, miners would take canaries into the mines as a monitor for air quality.

If the birds died, that was an indication to the miners that air quality was poor and they should leave. And even though birds are not taken into the mines any more, they are still extremely vulnerable to gases, odors and chemicals.

Choosing a cleaner that can remove odors is a huge benefit. Carbon-based filters are well known for their ability to remove gaseous chemicals.

A carbon cloth filter offers dual advantages. Because it is carbon based it can remove gaseous pollutants. And the fact that it is woven like a cloth allows it to eliminate additional airborne particles.

3. Removes Normal Indoor Pollutants---Even without a bird, every indoor space has particulates in the air. Things such as dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores are present regardless of what kind of housekeeper you are.

An efficient filter for particles (high efficiency particle arresting or HEPA) doesn't care about the source of the particulates. So when it filter any airborne particles that are.3 microns or greater with 99.97% efficiency.

4. Keeps Air Quality Stable---When you have a filter associated with the central heating and air conditioning system, it is only cleaning the air each time it cycles on. Having a cleaner that can run all the time means that pollutants are being removed continually. That means that the air quality is more likely to be healthy all the time rather than just sometimes.

5. Can Fit In Easily---A portable air cleaner works by cleaning the air that is closest to it first. So if your main concern is the area where your bird spends most of its time, being able to move the unit close to the bird is a huge advantage.

Having a unit with sturdy wheels makes a change in the position of the unit as easy as a push of the finger.

And a unit that is able to pull air from all sides means that it can operate at maximum efficiency as long as there is about 6 inches of clearance from every side. The benefit to you is that it can work in a corner out of sight and without creating a draft on your bird.

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Why Are They So Amazing? Facts About Parrots

When you think about birds, most people think of the ones that they see flying around or on the ground searching for worms. There has always been a fascination with birds since the beginning of time. They have the ability to take off and fly to anywhere they want to, which is definitely a talent that many of us wish that we had. As the fascination grew, we turned our attention to the exotic birds and brought them in to our homes.

Today when you walk into most pet stores you will find a whole section devoted to these beautiful feathered friends that we all adore so much. It is great to watch the little children enjoy these amazing birds as they stare at them in awe. Much can be said about us adults too. I still to this day cannot walk into a pet store and not immediately head to the bird room.

With about 350 different species of parrot that we are aware of, you can only imagine how many different sizes and colors that these striking birds display. They mostly comes Central America and South America. Some common parrots that most of us have seen or heard of are Macaws, Lovebirds, Parakeets (budgies), Cockatiels, African Grey and Amazons to name a few. All parrots have four toes and curved beaks. The beaks of the parrots are also described as hook bills. This aids in eating because they eat nuts which need to be cracked and this beak is designed to do just that.

Next to the sheer beauty of these birds, the main attraction that we all have to them is their incredible abilities. These birds are extremely intelligent and that just simply amazes us enthusiasts. The one thing that draws us to them mostly besides their sheer beauty is their ability to talk or mimic sounds and human speech. Not all parrots can talk, but most of them will whistle and learn to mimic sounds such as the telephone ring or the beep of the microwave oven when your food is done heating and so on. Some of the parrots that have some ability to mimic human words are the Amazon Parrots, Cockatoos, Senegals and the African Greys. The African Grey is probably the best at speaking to us. Not only do they mimic us clearly but they are the best at actually mimicking in the same voice as the person they are copying. That just amazes me when I hear my African Grey sounding just like me. I think that parrots will always find a new way to amaze and entertain us.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Minimizing Your Cockatoo's Dust - 5 Things You Can Do To Reduce It

Cockatoos are some of the most beautiful parrots available as pets. However, the white wing dust that they produce can be daunting to manage. Nothing will get rid of all the dust, but here are 5 things you can do that will drastically reduce the amount to which you and bird are exposed.

This powder is healthy for the bird, but for you it means your air has the potential for a ton more particles than the normal bird would produce. Here are 5 manageable ways to keep your air clear and fresh for you and your bird.

Bird Baths---This can be accomplished in several ways. You can mist your pet with fine spray from a spray bottle. Or you can leave a bowl of clean water out separate from drinking water and allow your bird to take care of its own bath.

Another thing that might be fun for you and your bird is to install a shower perch. These are fairly inexpensive and can be found in many stores that have bird supplies.

If you decide to do this make sure the water is misting rather than a hard stream. Put the perch away from the water source so that you pet gets to choose when it approaches the water, and can use the perch as a place of retreat.

Clean Frequently---In order to keep dust and dander down with this type of bird, there is no way around frequent cleaning. And even with daily cleaning there is no way to remove all of it, but you can lessen the number of particles that are available to go airborne and be inhaled by you and your Cockatoo.

Reduce Particulates With Water---Use water to clean whether you are mopping the floor or dusting. Cleaning slowly and gently with a wet mop or cloth makes the particles too heavy to go back into the air.

So rather than stirring the particles up again, you can really trap them and wash them out of your environment. Reducing the number of particles is the ultimate goal.

Know How Much You Can Do---Providing the best environment for a bird is truly a gift. If your space allows you to do that for one bird, recognize that and provide an absolutely fabulous life for that one.

Even though it may seem like you're being generous when adopting numerous birds, that's only true if their environment (and yours) doesn't suffer because you're not able to keep conditions healthy.

Filter The Air---The best way to effectively remove airborne particulates and gases from the air is to continually filter the air. Since the makeup of particles differs from gases, the filters in an air purifier need to be able to eliminate both types.

For particles the most effective type of filter is a high efficiency particles arresting (or HEPA) filter. It can eliminate airborne particulates that are.3 microns or greater in size.

The benefit to you is that out of every 10,000 airborne particles it will eliminate 99,997 of them with 99.97% efficiency. Even though nothing will take out all of the particles, this comes pretty close.

For gaseous pollutants the best type of filter is carbon. Well known for its ability to remove gaseous pollutants it is highly effective at removing the odors, gases, and noxious chemicals that can have such grave health effects on birds.

A carbon cloth filter in a unit is the best of both worlds because it can remove gaseous irritants because it is carbon based and particulates because it is woven like a cloth.

Taking these 5 steps will keep you happier with the way your bird room and home look and healthier because there is less in the air that can cause potential health problems for you and your bird.