Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Best Birds to Get When You Have Children

The most important thing to consider about having a pet is that it requires all the care and attention that any living creature needs to be happy and healthy. Since this obligation falls squarely on the shoulders of it's human family, the time and commitment you can realistically give to caring for an animal should be your first consideration.This aspect of pet ownership is the basis on which you decide whether to trade in the artificial pet for a real live one.

Before acquiring a pet it is essential for parents to discuss with their children the responsibilities, time and work required to care for a pet as well as the wonderful benefits. Needless to say children will be focused on the positive and enthusiastically agree to the negative which is why rules should be set before a pet is purchased or adopted. Be aware, though, that no matter how carefully you lay the groundwork, parents must be prepared for setbacks through negligence or forgetfulness and the children will require monitoring and reminding to carry out whatever pet tasks they have agreed to. In the beginning parents should expect to compensate for any failures of the children to carry through with their pet duties but with patience, persistence and instruction a rhythm is established and the pet soon becomes a beloved member of the family. It can be the first step for your children to learn the values of caring and investing in a relationship.

Small Birds Make Good Pets For Families

By even casual observation of birds in the wild one can deduce that they are social creatures as they arrive at the backyard feeder in families and groups of families. In captivity birds readily transfer this natural need for socialization to their human family and easily bond with people who give them time and attention. My family had the opportunity to observe this first hand when my son found a baby bird that he successfully raised.

If you are still reading this article you are probably thinking that a bird would be a good addition to your family. Then the next thing to consider is, among the many species of pet birds available, which would be the best choice for you and your children.

Finches and Canaries require the least amount of interaction and are good birds for very young children who are fascinated by their beauty, lively activity and captivating songs and sounds. Since they are more solitary by nature than other species they are quite content in their cage and require less human interaction.

A good choice for young families, and my favorite, is a Budgie or Parakeet. Though these little birds are very sociable they are independent and can be happy alone in their cage if provided with interesting toys and accessories to keep them stimulated. Because of their small size their cage requirement is minimal as is their daily care. In summary, I would say these sweet, perky little birds are great family pets, especially for busy families including those with young children who have been taught to approach the bird with a quiet voice and to handle it with gentle care.

For older children who really have the incentive to care for birds and learn about them, a Cockatiel is a great choice. They talk, whistle and readily imitate up all kinds of sounds. They will provide hours of fun and entertainment with the cute and silly tricks they quickly learn. They really like their freedom and look forward to times of not being stuck behind bars. Because they form strong bonds with their caretakers they require a great deal of attention. For these reasons the amount of time you have, on a daily basis, to be with your pet bird is a very important factor when considering a Cockatiel for a pet.

Hopefully, this article has been useful and informative as the first step for anyone thinking of acquiring a pet bird. Feathered pets have many unique and endearing qualities that make them a wonderful addition to any family that is willing to love them and is committed to providing for their needs. They, for their part will provide companionship and open a window to the world of nature that no digital pet ever can.

For more information about bird cages and accessories please visit my website.

Hopefully, this article has provided helpful information for anyone thinking of acquiring a family pet and why feathered friends certainly have a lot of enduring qualities to recommend them.

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